I'm sure you've stumbled on this blog and are at the present, confused as to what I plan on doing with this tiny corner of web space.
I've been cooking since I had an Easy Bake oven with the 60 watt light bulb.
Although my passion for cooking and baking started long before that in a 70's wallpapered kitchen with my older sister, aunts, and mother cooking up Christmas goodies every year since before I was born. We all wore aprons (what's the point!?), would be up to our elbows in flour and sprinkles, cooking the hours away while my brother's and dad were off doing goodness knows what.
Those fond memories spurred my love for cooking and everything that is included when something is cooked well, such as happy tummies afterwards!
Please feel free to join me in my foodie quest for great recipes, easy recipes, recipes that make everyone around you go "ooo", and recipes that should have a lock-and-key on them because they are just too good.
Welcome! :)
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